Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Meyersons Talk as Much as the Walkers

August 2, 1989

Dear Vicki and Roger:
We're into a summer routine: Sleep til 7:30 or 8:00 a.m.; light breakfast of melon, english muffins. Frank unloads the dish washer; I go to Swimnastics and he lies in his bunk reading; have some chore in town or at the Annex (finally getting thru all the pictures and correspondence of forty years); have a bloody mary and sandwich for lunch; go to the library to process books from one week to two weeks shelf; come home and take a nap (reading in our bunk); go to the pool or talk about going to the gulf. (Neither of us is that crazy about salt water and sand and Frank has a skin irritation since May, under treatment); have cocktails at 5:30; dinner; some T.V. I might watch while Frank reads in his bunk; we play Upwords, the version of Scrabble Bruce gave us or do crossword puzzles and then go to read and fall asleep in our bunk around 10:30 or 11:00. Don't have the old impromptu cocktail parties we used to have. Paul and Kathy are impossible, the Griffins aren't well, T's gone and the Pages are away. Thank goodness for Gyros and the Navy League, folks around here getting old and lazy. We keep talking about travel but it really is pleasant here and we are so happy with each other's companionship. He is so thoughtful and caring.
Enclosed is a copy of my reunion picture. Frank's jacket is on the guy in the first row on the right. (Bob Kuerst who asked me to wear his pin. In fact there are at least five guys I dated who are in the group, only the good looking ones of course).

Stay well, stayed love.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

And All Your Charms Be Mine

And so I must a-wooing go
For lovely BKB
Sly Cupid's bow
Has laid me low
In woosome ecstasy.

Oh, sweet Babette
I'll win you yet
And all your charms be mine
'Till that event
I'll be content
If you're my Valentine
